Dupuytren's Contracture

  • This is a progressive shortening, thickening, and fibrosing of the palmar fascia and aponeurosis.
  • This pulls the 5th and 4th fingers into partial flexion at the metacarpophalangeal joints and proximal interphalangeal joints.
  • This is common in men over 50 years of age
  • The cause is idiopathic.
  • Treatment of Dupuytren's Contracture is surgical excision of all fibrotic parts of the palmar fascia to free the fingers.
  • Particularly affects ring finger and little finger.
  • Chronic alcoholics tend to have B1 deficiency. The B1 deficiency may be a cause of Dupuytren's Contracture.
  • Does not affect the thumb.
  • Lumbrical muscles remain unaffected

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