Megaloblastic Anemia

  • Diminished synthesis of purines and thymidines which leads to the inability of the cells to divide.
  • Patients with megaloblastic anemia have an increased demand for folic acid
  • Patients with megaloblastic anemia have poor absorption of folic acid due to a pathology of the msall intestine, alcoholism, or treatment with drugs that are dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors (like methotrexate)
  • Erythropoietic cells of the bone marrow and the mucosal cells of the intestine (rapidly dividing cells) have a high demande for N5,N10-methylene and N10-formyl forms of THF. N5-methylene form cannot be converted to other forms without B12, so N5 form accumulates whereas the levels of other forms decrease leading to megaloblastic anemia.

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