Multiple Sclerosis

  • The myelin sheath is damaged by an autoimmune mechanism with various neurologic consequences.
  • In Multiple Sclerosis, microglia phagocytose and degrade myelin debris by receptor-mediated phagocytosis and lysosomal activity.
  • In addition, AIDS dementia complex is caused by HIV-1 infection of the CNS
  • Microglia are infected by HIV-1
  • A number of cytokines, such as interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor, activate and enhance HIV replication in microglia.
     - common demyelinating disease.
    - in multiple sclerosis, microglia become phagocytic.
    - Characterized by the destruction of oligodendroglia.
    - Medial longitudinal fasciculus syndrome is a muscular disorder associated with multiple sclerosis.
    - Random asymmetric lesions in mostly white matter of the cervical region are seen in multiple sclerosis.

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