
  • Loss of bone mass resulting in bone fragility and fractures is called osteoporosis
  • This condition is commonly caused by deficient estrogen.
  • In osteoporosis the bone mineral density (BMD) is reduced, bone microarchitecture is disrupted, and the amount and variety of proteins in bone is altered.
  • May occur in anyone (males) in the presence of particular hormonal disorders and other chronic diseases or as a result of medications, specifically glucocorticoids, when the disease is called steroid- or glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (SIOP or GIOP).
  • In all cases of osteoporosis is an imbalance between bone resorption and bone formation.
  • In normal bone, there is constant matrix remodeling of bone; up to 10% of all bone mass may be undergoing remodeling at any point in time.
  • Estrogen deficiency is a well-known risk factor in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis.
  • Cissus Quadralangularis has useful and beneficial effects in the treatment of osteoporosis induced by ovariectomy.
  • Estrogen influences bone loss, either directly by binding to the receptor on the bone or indirectly by influencing the calcium regulatory hormones PTH and vitamin D; and cytokines IL-1 and IL-6.
  • Biomechanical data suggests that bone becomes stronger after treatment with the petroleum ether extract of cissus quadralangularis plant, which may be due to enhanced mineralization of the bone.
  • Cissus Quadralangularis shows activity similar to that of a standard antiosteoporotic drug, raloxifene. This suggests that this plant extract is safe in the treatment of osteoporosis in elderly women.
  • The activity of this plant on the thickness of cortical bone and trabecular bone is indicative of the antiosteoporotic activity of the petroleum ether extract of cissus quadralangularis. This activity is similar to the action of the alcoholic extract of cissus quadralangularis. This suggests that the petroleum ether extract of cissus quadralangularis is as potent as the alcoholic extract.
  • The observed osteoprotective role may be attributed to its phytogenic, steroid-like components.
  • Studies on fracture healing have suggested that the unidentified anabolic steroid acts on the estrogen receptors of bone cells. It also contains flavonoids, triterpenoids stilbene derivatives and other constituents, such as quercetin, resveratrol, piceatannol, pallidol perthenocissin and phytosterols.
  • The antiosteroporotic activity of petroleum ether extract of cissus quadralangularis may be justifiably attributed to its steroid components, which probably act as phytoestrogens to prevent bone loss.

    - Prolonged deficiency of calcium causes loss of bone mineral via a loss of bone tissue and consequent bone fragility.
    - Osteoporosis in postmenopausal women reflects reduced ovarian function.
- The development of a 'dowager's hump' in the midthoracic region in females, caused by age-related osteoporosis, increases the thoracic kyphosis and cervical lordosis.  Overall, these changes in the vertebral column lead directly to loss of total height in the individual.

  1. Anti-Osteoporotic Activity of the Petroleum Ether Extract of Cissus Quadrangularis Linn. In Ovariectomized Wistar Rats. Bhagath Kumar et al. Chang Gung Med J Vol. 33 No. 3. May-June 2010

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