
  • The Rabies virus results from a bite of a rabid animal and resplicates in the muscle tissue from as short as 2 to 16 weeks or longer.
  • After binding to the acetylcholine receptor, the viral particles are mobilized by retrograde axonal transport to the cell body of neurons supplying the affected muscle. The rabies virus continues to replicate within infected neurons and after the shedding of the virions by budding, they are internalized by the terminals of adjacent neurons.
  • Further dissemination of the rabies virus occurs in the CNS
  • From the CNS, the rabies virus is transported by anterograde axonal transport by the peripheral nerves to the salivary glands.
  • The virus enters the saliva to be transmitted by the bite.
  • Painful spasm of the throat muscles on swallowing accounts for hydrophobia (aversion to swallowing water).

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