- Primary adrenocorticol insufficiency (Addison's Disease) is most commonly caused by autoimmune destruction of the adrenal cortex and causes acute adrenal crisis.
- Is characterized by:
a) decreased adrenal glucocorticoid, androgen, and mineralocorticoid
b) increased ACTH (low cortisol levels stimulate ACTH secretion by negative feedback)
c) hypoglycemia (caused by cortisol deficiency)
d) weight loss, weakness, nausea, and vomiting
e) hyperpigmentation (low cortisol levels stimulate ACTH secretion; ACTH contains the MSH fragment)
f) decreased pubic and axillary hair in women (caused by the deficiency of adrenal androgens)
g) ECF volume contraction, hypotension, hyperkalemia, and metabolic acidosis (caused by aldosterone deficiency)
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