- Is most commonly caused by the administration of pharmacologic doses of glucocorticoids.
- Is less commonly caused by bilateral hyperplasia of the adrenal glands.
- Is called Cushing's Disease when it is caused by overproduction of ACTH.
- Is characterized by the following:
a) increased cortisol and androgen levels.
b) increased ACTH (if caused by overproduction of ACTH); decreased ACTH (if caused by primary adrenal hyperplasia or pharmacologic doses of glucocorticosteroids)
c) hyperglycemia (caused by elevated cortisol levels)
d) increased protein catabolism and muscle wasting
e) central obesity (round face, supraclavicular fat, buffalo hump)
f) poor wound healing
g) virilization of women (caused by elevated levels of adrenal androgens)
h) hypertension (caused by elevated levels of cortisol and aldosterone)
i) osteoporosis (elevated cortisol levels cause increased bone resorption)
j) striae
- ketoconazole , an inhibitor of steroid hormone synthesis, can be used to treat Cushing's disease.
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