Femoral Neck Fracture

- Femoral neck fractures are common following falls among the elderly osteoporotic population.  Fractures in this region present a considerable risk of avascular necrosis if the fracture line is intracapsular as the retinacula, which carry the main arterial supply, are torn.  In contrast, extracapsular femoral neck fractures present no risk of avascular necrosis.

- If the fracture components are not impacted the usual clinical presentation is that of shortening and external rotation of the affected limb.  This occurs as the adductors, hamstrings and rectus femoris pull upwards on the distal fragment whilst piriformis, the gemelli, obturators, gluteus maximus and gravity produce lateral rotation.

1. Anatomy at a Glance. Omar Faiz and David Moffat.  Blackwell Science. 2002.

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